Blog #14


Calcium is responsible to keep your body healthy and strong.  It’s the essential building block for lifelong bone health. Calcium also helps maintain the acid-alkaline balance in the blood, protecting it against over acidity.  Without calcium, your teeth and bones would not remain hard and durable. You need strong bones to live a healthy, vibrant life.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, your body needs it to build healthy bones, teeth.  Cows milk is high in fat and protein casein, which is hard for humans to digest properly.  This can trigger some allergic responses like asthma, runny nose, rash, irritability. If you drink cows milk, you can boil it first to cut down on the indigestible molecules.  If you are lactose intolerant, then you can drink alternatives like Almond, Soy or Goat milk.  I do not drink soy, it gets converted over to estrogen, or cows milk because of the added hormones.  If you are suffering from an estrogen dominant cancer then stay away from both kinds of milk.

You must get enough calcium in your body to avoid calcium deposits, this happens when the calcium gets deposited into your soft tissue.  If you don’t get enough calcium the brain would not function properly, and muscles would not store energy.  Also, your digestive, circulatory, and immune system would suffer.

You need to include enough complete proteins, in your diet to be able to absorb calcium.  If you are ingesting very large amounts of protein, you will loose calcium through the urine.  When you take Vitamin D with calcium, it helps it absorb quicker in the body.  For healthy adults: 800 to 1,200 milligrams of calcium, People who have osteoporosis should take 1,000 to 1,300 milligrams.  *(Ask your doctor what would be a good amount to take) Your body will absorb more calcium from food then a supplement.

SIGNS OF CALCIUM DEFICIENCY: Nervousness, headaches, insomnia, and depression.

How much calcium that you get in your body is up to you, you can get it through eating a healthy diet that consists of:

DAIRY: Milk, yogurt, cheese

BEANS: Pinto, black, kidney, white, and lentil beans.

NUTS AND SEEDS: Sesame seeds, almonds

VEGGIES AND GREENS: Green leafy ones, are rich sources of calcium.  You can eat broccoli, kale, celery, asparagus, collard greens, romaine lettuce, mustard greens, cabbage, brussels sprouts, etc.

HERBS AND SPICES: Basil, parsley, cinnamon, garlic, oregano, rosemary, peppermint leaves, and thyme.

OTHER SOURCES: Salmon, tofu, almonds, sea veggies, oranges

Add PRUNES to your diet to combat Osteoporosis, to keep your bones strong.  They contain high amounts of the mineral boron which have been shown to improve bone density by aiding in calcium absorption, and optimizes estrogen levels. Prunes are loaded with potassium which helps to lower blood pressure. They reduce inflammation, and have about 6 grams of fiber per serving. *You can eat about 10-12 prunes per day, about 100 grams to strengthen your bones* Prunes have a laxative effect and you should gradually eat up to 12 prunes per day, so your body gets used to it.  This will be great to eat if you are having difficulty going to the bathroom. Make sure you drink plenty of water.

MAGNESIUM, VITAMIN D, AND VITAMIN K: These all help your body absorb, and make use of the calcium you consume. Magnesium is found in nuts, seeds, whole grains, seafood, legumes, tofu. and many veggies. Swiss chard and spinach are excellent sources of magnesium.

Vitamin K: helps the body regulate calcium and form strong bones.  Eat green, leafy veggies like broccoli, brussels sprouts, collard greens, dark green lettuce, and kale. You can take a vitamin K supplement.

STRENGTHEN YOUR MUSCLES: Use weight bearing exercises – any movements that put weight on your bones. Example: Jogging, walking, standing up, sitting down, using dumbbells, squats, lunges, push-ups, etc.

People who have Osteoporosis and menopause, it is critical to add weight bearing exercise into your life.  In fact, it’s better to start exercising before menopause to keep your bones strong. You can regain bone as you build muscle!  So get out there and start exercising!


Caffeine – If you drink more than 2 cups of coffee per day it can lead to calcium loss.

Alcohol – It inhibits calcium absorption and disrupts your body’s calcium balance.

Salt – When you consume too much salt it can contribute to calcium loss and bone breakdown. Avoid processed foods, deli meats, frozen meals, canned soup, pizza, and fast foods.

Soda – Carbonation depletes Calcium, soda is very acidic.

Very High Protein Intake: Too much protein can lead to calcium loss.

Cautions: Do not take more than the recommended amount for your age group.  Remember, that you are also getting calcium from the foods you consume.  Always talk to your doctor first before getting on a new supplement or increasing the dosage.

Get a high quality calcium, look for “purified” or “Natural” Take with food so it gets absorbed better.

Some people cannot tolerate calcium supplements and may experience side effects like: constipation, and gas.  Check for drug interactions, calcium may interfere with other medications and vitamins.  Talk to your doctor.

So the bottom line is, eat a clean, healthy diet, control inflammation, use weight bearing exercises, take Vitamin D, K, Magnesium, don’t overdose, avoid foods and drinks that deplete calcium.

Many Blessings and Eat Right For Your Life,
